Argentine Catholics Defend Cathedral From Feminist Attack — Pope Francis Burned in Effigy

Following our previous post of the Philippine Cathedral’s “rise from the ashes” after the disastrous passing of typhoon Haylan, we now produce a very different story of a Cathedral – this time in Argentina.

From “The Eponymous Flower”; (but I have taken the liberty of slightly altering the English translation, which contained various mistakes.) 

Angry mobs in Buenos Aires attack Cathedral

Angry mobs in Buenos Aires attack Cathedral

Edit: the videos are horrific.  Our subtitle would read, “The Rage of Sodom”.

(Buenos Aires) Under the name of National Women’s Meeting radical Church opponents, women as well as men, stormed a Catholic church.

From the 23rd-25th November, in San Juan de Cuyo, Argentina, the feminist-leftist’s 28 Encuentro Nacional de Mujeres took place. Hordes of lesbians, their male peers and abortion advocates bellowed noisy and anti-Catholic slogans throughout the city. Over the past few years, these extremist gatherings have degenerated into violent attacks against Catholic institutions, and recently, the feminist hordes  have targeted Catholic churches.

"Women's 28th National Meeting"

“Women’s 28th National Meeting”

Because of the roughly 7000-strong antagonists (Church-hostile feminists) wanting to storm the Archdiocesan Church, 1500 young Catholics formed a human shield around the Cathedral of San Juan Bautista (St. John the Baptist) to prevent it from happening. Catholic institutions were daubed with slogans such as “Burn the Churches Down” or “Set Fire to the Churches.” Though hemmed in on all sides, the courageous Catholics opposed the angry mob by praying aloud, whilst they were insulted with slogans that cannot be repeated here.

According to reports from young Catholics who had defended the Church, the impression they had was that it was a “satanic attack” with “demonic figures”, being seen as part of an “anti-Christian world revolution.” In one place the extremists lit a big fire and burned an effigy of Pope Francis as they danced around the fire.

Pagina Catolica had called Catholics in advance to defend the Cathedral of San Juan, after an Internet initiative had called for the profanation of the Cathedral of Buenos Aires with a syncretistic Jewish-interfaith “memorial liturgy”. In a statement describing the feminist aggression Pagina Catolica wrote: “We are aware that even if the desecration of the church in San Juan could be prevented this time, we must not forget that the cathedral has not fared well recently, as when she was profaned after Archbishop Alfonso Delgado gave his approval, allowing the celebration of a memorial liturgy for Kristallnacht on 12th November.”

It is an incomprehensible desire of some Argentinian bishops to host syncretic “commemorative liturgies” in memory of Kristallnacht in 1938 in the German Reich. See separate reports: Young Catholics protest against “misuse” of the Cathedral of Buenos Aires for Jewish “commemorative liturgy” and the report of an alleged, but never confirmed by Rome, “condemnation” of young Catholics by Pope Francis, Pope Francis Condemned the Catholic Protest Against Syncretistic “Commemorative Liturgy” in Buenos Aires? A Riddle.

Original post, plus videos:

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26 Responses to Argentine Catholics Defend Cathedral From Feminist Attack — Pope Francis Burned in Effigy

  1. mkenny114 says:

    This is a worrying development. Argentina may well be the most secularised country in South America, and they do like to protest over there, but the violent spirit behind these particular protests is of concern. On a positive note, having visited Argentina just over a year ago, it seems on the whole to still be full of faithful and devout people (I saw someone cross themselves on a bus when we passed a church – never seen that in the UK!) and I have great hope for them and South America as a whole, with respect to the long-term future of the Church.


  2. kathleen says:

    I agree mkenny, that it is the “violent spirit behind these particular protests” which is of most concern. It is a changing panorama.

    The brutal persecution of our Christian brethren in many countries where they are a minority group, is usually perpetrated by persecutors from other ‘religions’, but in western countries these persecutors are godless secularists of no religion.
    Whereas before the anti-Christian mobs in the West would do no more than shout ugly slogans and wave banners, they are now becoming nastier, and yes, increasingly more violent.

    Look at this report from the “Scottish Catholic Observer”

    “An arson blaze and robberies show that Scotland’s priests are, once again, being targeted by opportunistic criminals.
    Priests in Scotland are increasingly living in fear after several crimes against clergy came to light this week.
    A vindictive arson attack on Holy Cross parish in Glasgow saw two priests’ cars destroyed and severe damage caused to the parish house. There has also been a separate robbery at another Glasgow parish and a man in Perthshire was convicted for robbing an 80-year-old priest shortly after his golden jubilee.”


  3. GC says:

    Dear kathleen, wasn’t there a similar incident in Santiago de Chile at the metropolitan cathedral there in about March this year? It looks like a replica of that disgrace except that these characters actually managed to enter the cathedral during Mass in Santiago and disrupt proceedings. Quite a bit of church furnishings had to be retrieved later from the plaza outside, I understand.

    These incidents seem like a coordinated effort, don’t they, at least in these two most “European” of the South American countries, made all the easier by modern telecommunications and cheap and convenient travel.

    It seems that in this, the most Catholic of the world’s regions the Church must suffer attacks on many sides by as many enemies.


  4. mkenny114 says:

    That report from the SCO is also very worrying. On a lesser note, I feel personally that this sort of increasingly violent behaviour from secularists is prefigured in the language and attitude that I have experienced when discussing religious matters with them. What begins as an innocent questioning of certain tenets of the Faith can often turn into a hostile attack on both my religion and my person – it is deeply unsettling when this happens. Peter Hitchens rightly entitled his book on the new atheists ‘The Rage Against Religion’ – there is a deep wellspring of hatred out there, not just amongst Dawkins et al, but amongst many secularists, which is seldom acknowledged in the media.


  5. kathleen says:

    GC and mkenny,
    I really believe you have both hit the nail on the head.
    These increasingly violent attacks against Catholics and Church property certainly do appear to be part of a plan – a demonic plan – of those who (one could say) seem to have sold their souls to the devil. It is just that, a “rage against religion”, but not just any religion, (the devil wouldn’t bother himself with false religions) but against the One True Faith.

    Perhaps that should reassure us and make us joyful, for if the Church is being attacked everywhere by the forces of Evil (even in countries where the majority of the inhabitants are Catholic Christians) it is because that Church is the One and Only Bride of Christ.
    Was it not prophesised that this would happen?


  6. johnhenrycn says:

    Interesting that our closest relatives, the Orthodox, don’t seem to be persecuted anywhere near as much as Catholics are. I wonder if it’s because they’ve never been known for missions, but rather have stayed, for the most part, on their own turf – at least I think they have, but I stand to be corrected.


  7. johnhenrycn says:

    It should be kept in mind that not all feminists or lesbians or sympathizers thereof act like these Argentine ones did. These people are the lunatic fringe. I know feminists and lesbians who would never dream of physically attacking the Church, and I think they are the majority of their kind. They disbelieve all, or virtually all, Church dogma without feeling the need to invade the precincts. Just last year I took two of them to a major cathedral – just for the cultural experience, mind, because there is no (present) hope of conversion – and they were suitably respectful of what they saw and heard.


  8. mkenny114 says:

    Firstly, I would like to express my agreement with the last poster, insofar as it is true, and indeed must be kept in mind that not everyone hostile to the Church acts as the ‘lunatic fringe’ seen in Argentina, and they are indeed a minority. However, it should also be recognised that the difference between these fringe groups and large numbers of other people within the same demographics is that the fringe are actively hostile whilst others are not. I would still maintain that there is a deep undercurrent of antipathy towards the Church in these groups, and in secular society in general, whether it is expressed in the form of violent protest or not.

    Re the attacks on the Church being signs of its being the true Bride of Christ, this I also agree with, and it reminds me of a quote from Fulton Sheen that runs along similar lines:

    ‘If I were not a Catholic, and were looking for the true Church in the world today, I would look for the one Church which did not get along well with the world; in other words, I would look for the Church which the world hated.

    My reason for doing this would be, that if Christ is in any one of the churches of the world today, He must still be hated as He was when He was on earth in the flesh. If you would find Christ today, then find the Church that does not get along with the world. Look for the Church that is hated by the world as Christ was hated by the world.

    Look for the Church that is accused of being behind the times, as our Lord was accused of being ignorant and never having learned.

    Look for the Church which men sneer at as socially inferior, as they sneered at Our Lord because He came from Nazareth.

    Look for the Church which is accused of having a devil, as Our Lord was accused of being possessed by Beelzebub, the Prince of Devils.

    Look for the Church which, in seasons of bigotry, men say must be destroyed in the name of God as men crucified Christ and thought they had done a service to God.

    Look for the Church which the world rejects because it claims it is infallible, as Pilate rejected Christ because He called Himself the Truth.

    Look for the Church which is rejected by the world as Our Lord was rejected by men.

    Look for the Church which amid the confusions of conflicting opinions, its members love as they love Christ, and respect its Voice as the very voice of its Founder, and the suspicion will grow, that if the Church is unpopular with the spirit of the world, then it is unworldly, and if it is unworldly it is other worldly.

    Since it is other-worldly, it is infinitely loved and infinitely hated as was Christ Himself.

    But only that which is Divine can be infinitely hated and infinitely loved. Therefore the Church is Divine…the Catholic Church is the only Church existing today which goes back to the time of Christ.

    History is so very clear on this point, it is curious how many miss its obviousness.’


  9. kathleen says:

    What a truly wonderful quote from the great Archbishop Fulton Sheen – and so appropriate for this discussion! Well done mkenny for discovering it, and thank you for posting it here.

    With an army of saints in Heaven like Archbishop Sheen on our side (for many of us believe he is indeed a saint), our holy martyrs suffering such harsh persecution today, and a multitude of brave people defending the Faith wherever necessary (like those young men in the video holding off the attack on the Cathedral) we need not fear.
    However it’s imperative we should all double our efforts to be faithful witnesses ourselves in the midst of such fierce opposition in the world these days to our Holy Catholic [and Suffering] Church.


  10. Pingback: 1500 young Catholic heroes form a human shield to protect the Cathedral of San Juan Bautista from 7,000 demoniacs « Protect the Pope

  11. kathleen says:

    Another example of abuse and harassment from pro-abortionists and militant feminists on peaceful Catholics – this time in Oxford, England. Although the ‘attack’ is not as revolting and aggressive as that suffered by the courageous young men defending the Cathedral in Argentina, it is still none the less a sign of the changing, more violent turn these type of events are taking everywhere.


  12. Pingback: Heroic Youth Defend Argentinian Cathedral | Women of Grace

  13. Pingback: Heroes and/or Villains | Sky Pilot

  14. Alexander says:

    Respect for the heroes of San Juan from Russian Orthodox! lgbt won’t pass!
    But your current Pope seems wants with them to conclude a treaty…. : (
    Think over it


  15. Rachel says:

    I find it very strange that there has been no coverage of this story, on any mainstream media.
    One can only imagine the worldwide media uproar & condemnation – had it been Christians or Pro Life people who were behaving in this horrible way.
    The young men who protected the church, were remarkable for their faith & courage.


  16. Pingback: Violent Feminists Attack Argentinian Cathedral » Choosing Life - God's Gift To The Unborn

  17. Pingback: Argentina:feministas, abortistas y lesbianas atacan la catedral de San Juan y agreden a los feligreses -Actualizado repercusiones | NUEVA EUROPA- Nueva Eurabia

  18. Pingback: Violent Feminists Attack Argentinian Cathedral | TVONTV NEWS Network

  19. kathleen says:

    Once again, Michael Voris does not beat around the bush: he says things the way they should be said. Here is his latest on the above subject – the violent feminist attack on the brave young men who defended the Argentinian Cathedral.


  20. Pingback: John the Baptist should have kept silent !!! | Being Frank

  21. drew says:

    Very enlightening and informative. The Catholic men heroically withstood the demonic Harpies.
    But I must ask the person above who said:
    “…(the devil wouldn’t bother himself with false religions) but against the One True Faith.
    …it is because (the Roman) Church is the One and Only Bride of Christ.”
    How do you account for worldwide persecution of ALL biblical Christians – since it is not only Roman Catholics being mistreated ?


  22. kathleen says:

    Thank you Drew.
    It was me! When I mentioned “false religions”, if you see what I was saying just beforehand, it was a reference to non-Christian faiths…. (that I said the devil would not “bother” about).

    Then yes, I do go on to say that the Catholic Church (not just the “Roman” Catholic Church) is the most persecuted of all, for She is the One that was founded by Christ on Peter. Protestant churches broke away from the Catholic Church and Peter’s successors, so although they do share the most fundamental belief of all Christians – that Jesus Christ, Son of God, and Second Person of the Blessed Trinity became Man to redeem us – there are other important points of the True Faith that they disagree with… and often among themselves too, which is why there are now hundreds, if not thousands, of branches of Protestantism.

    Indeed, I agree that ALL Christians are being persecuted and martyred today for no other reason other than that of being followers of Christ. I can’t let this scandalous tragedy rest, and keep bringing this (mostly ignored) news to the attention of our readers.


  23. kathleen says:

    More from the Eponymous Flower blogspot reporting again on attacks on Cathedrals (this time in Bologna, Italy) by militant feminists hell bent on murdering innocent babies at the dawn of life:


  24. Pingback: Two Forms of Feminism: Your Pick | The Browning Version

  25. Pingback: Two Forms of Feminism: Your Pick | The Browning Version

  26. Cato says:

    I note the article conflates ‘feminist’ with ‘lesbian’ I have known Catholic feminists and they were certainly not lesbian.

    MKenny provides some calming and sensible comment here.

    Protest is healthy of course, but the violence was not. Not at all. My Catholic colleagues agree.


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